2018 Riverdale Artwalk Summary
June 08, 2018
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Thanks to everyone who visited my booth at the Riverdale Artwalk this past weekend. It was my first outdoor art show, which I always wanted to try (after visiting other similar art shows in the past number of years in Toronto). I started with a lot of questions, not knowing how or what exactly was involved in such a show. Thankfully, the supportive members of the Artists' Network answered all my questions about show preparations, and a group of cheerful volunteers also helped the show run smoothly.
Here's a look at my booth after it was all set up on Saturday morning.
The most popular piece was "Aglow", the jellyfish on the blue round print. Second up was the black and white print next to it, "Solitary Sahara Trek", and a common question was "what animal is it that left those tracks on this photo?" - I think it's a bird, but it's still a mystery to me! Another question came up more than once for the "Strolling on Silk" piece - "was that person really there, or did you add him in?" He was definitely there, wandering freely on the sand dunes. And yes, I had to climb onto a HIGH sand dune to capture that image!
It was lots of fun meeting all the visitors to my booth and talking about the stories behind my photographic artworks and photo books. Some who had visited Antelope Canyon, Kyoto or Morocco shared their trip memories with me. One couple even said I should be invited along on their trip to Morocco to take photos for them (just contact me when you're ready to start your trip)! I met people who shared a similar artistic philosophy, and others who simply enjoyed viewing my calming images after seeing alternative art styles in other booths. The most heartfelt comment I received was from an elderly lady: "You have a WONDER in your heart!" So priceless!
On Saturday it started off a bit cool but the sun warmed up brightly that afternoon. I even had to run across to my neighbour's booth to cool off when it became too warm on my side. Can you spot me (trying to hide from the sun) and my booth in the photo below? Fortunately, the rain that was forecasted for Sunday held off until close to wrap-up time and was of short duration. It allowed for all artists to pack up their booths and artworks without getting drenched. A huge THANK YOU to my friend Ro for helping me with my booth setup starting at 8am both days and with the load-out, and also keeping me company on Sunday!! Overall, it was a great experience! Until the next time, please stay in touch for new works posted on my website.
art show,
artists' network,
fine art photography,
rita wong photography,
riverdale artwalk,
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