Celebrating Autumn Colours

November 13, 2021  •  Leave a Comment

Without travelling too far, amazing fall colour photos can still be found. With international travel limited, I spent time exploring a local park this year. I've been to this park many times before, but by venturing around some more I found new spots from which to take photographs, and discovered parts of trails that I had not traversed before. 


For this photo, the water level was lower this year so I was able to walk down and capture the foliage and its mirrored reflection, as if I'm standing right in the middle of the creek. It's one of my favourite captures this fall season. (My feet did get a bit wet though, as my shoes started to sink into the mud at the bottom of the creek, will bring rubber boots next time!)


Autumn Forest MagicAutumn Forest Magic


After cleaning the mud off my shoes, I continued on the trail and looked up to find the afternoon sun shining through the trees. I narrowed the aperture setting to capture this starburst effect amongst the golden autumn leaves.


Autumn SunAutumn Sun


At another point in the trail, the creek was filled with the reflection of these wonderful early fall colours. Seeing this scene, complemented by the rocks and soft ripples, filled me instantly with tranquility.


Autumn TranquilityAutumn Tranquility


Exploring another part of the trail brought me to this next sight. What first caught my eyes was the group of orange leaves floating in the middle of the creek, which added a bright element to the overall image. 

   Reflecting on Fall Colour BeautyReflecting on Fall Colour Beauty


At another point of my walk, I was once again caught by reflection of colours - a abstract mixture of reds, oranges, yellows and greens floating softly on the blue water surface. I softened the image to further enhance the dreamy feeling. 


Autumn DreamAutumn Dream


This is my collection of photo art celebrating autumn colours this year. Which is your favourite image from this group?

I hope you've enjoyed the autumn season as we head into the upcoming winter. I look forward to capturing snowy scenes and sharing them with you. Please bookmark my blog page and stay tuned!



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