Toronto Snowstorm January 2022

January 23, 2022  •  Leave a Comment

Toronto didn't have a white Christmas last year but soon after 2022 started, winter blew into town with a snowstorm unlike any other we've had in the past 10 years. The snow started overnight and when I woke up, it was a scene of pure white outside the window. Snow flakes were falling and flying in the wind at such speeds that visibility was nearly zero. The snow fell continuously throughout the day. Due to the volume of snow that accumulated (between 30-40 cm!) and delays in having the snow cleared from major highways and arteries, we were advised to stay home unless absolutely necessary. Unfortunately many vehicles, including buses, were stuck in the snow and had to be abandoned until the roads were cleared much later that day and into the next few days.


I took some photos while the snow was flying but when it cleared up, I captured the images below to show the aftermath. My window overlooks a parking lot behind a plaza, where there were parking signs and shopping carts buried in the snow. 


Hidden in the Snow 1


The minimalistic style of the photo below emphasizes the quietness of that morning, with a large amount of negative space included. The lone shopping cart accompanied by the steadfast lamp post, standing strong in the snowstorm. 


Hidden in the Snow 2


After a tough day of shovelling and digging out from the snowstorm, the city was comforted by an amazing sunset that warmed our hearts, creating the golden scene below.

Sunset After Snowstorm


Stay well and keep warm this winter season!



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