Happy Holidays 2020

December 24, 2020  •  Leave a Comment

Two more sleeps until Christmas Day! How are you celebrating the holidays this year? For most of us it will be very different, with COVID-related restrictions in many countries. Instead of the traditional get-togethers with families and friends, most gatherings will likely be held via online platforms. Thanks to technology, we can stay connected, see each other through webcams, unwrap Christmas presents or watch holiday movies together virtually, and come up with other creative ways to celebrate. 


Despite the many challenges this year, let us remember to count our blessings for the things that are most important - health, family and friends, food on the table. Although we were not able to do some of the activities that we used to do, go to places that we used to visit, let's consider those as a temporary pause, and that we will come out better after the pandemic. Let's continue to stay strong in solidarity, and do our part to limit the spread. May the new year bring new hope, as vaccines against COVID-19 are becoming available, that in 2021 the world can return to normalcy. 


I would like to share this ecard with you, to brighten your holiday season and wish you the best for 2021!

Happy Holidays 2020Happy Holidays 2020


May you and your families have a safe, peaceful and happy holiday season!

Happy New Year 2021!






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