Happy New Year 2021

December 31, 2020  •  Leave a Comment

As the world heads into 2021, no doubt everyone around the globe is hoping for a better New Year, a year where the COVID-19 pandemic can come to an end and health can be restored, where everyday activities can resume without fear of contracting the virus or the need for various personal protective equipment, a year where the world can return to normalcy.


We should also take time to reflect on the past year, as challenging as it was. To those who have lost loved ones, may you be comforted knowing you are in our thoughts, and will find peace in your hearts through your healing. To all the frontline healthcare workers who continued to care for the afflicted, and to essential workers who kept groceries and other supplies available, a heartfelt thank you for your courage and dedication. May you continue to find strength as the world fights this battle together. To everyone who has been doing your part to stay home and stop the spread, thank you for your consideration, not only for your own health but also for the well-being of others.


Reflecting on past captures, I found this image of a frosty window and looked for ways to make it new.

Frosty WindowFrosty Window


Although we've had to make sacrifices and forego many of our usual activities, we have learned some important lessons. We've found that we can adapt to changes - new ways of working, different methods of attending classes and collaborating, virtually meeting family and friends, hosting movie nights online, to name a few examples. Some have learned new skills, baking cakes and cookies for neighbours, experimenting with new ingredients and recipes, sewing cloth masks for donation to healthcare workers, learning to speak a new language or to play a musical instrument, and other creative endeavours. Though we had to stay apart physically, we connected more via phone or video calls, putting aside family disputes to express concern for relatives, reconnecting with long-distanced friends, and making new friends through online groups. We also learned to simplify our lives and focus on the essentials, be grateful for what's truly  important in life - we really don't need ALL the material goods that we strive for. 


Here's the new version of the image - a more colourful representation of the frosty wisps. What parts of your life would you like to reinvent for 2021? 


Happy New Year 2021Happy New Year 2021Happy New Year 2021! Let's welcome a peaceful year filled with new experiences.


Let's carry the lessons from 2020 into 2021, while welcoming new experiences. May the new year bring good health to you and your families. and happiness for all!


Happy New Year 2021!






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