Hopeful Easter 2020

April 12, 2020  •  Leave a Comment

Easter 2020 will be a memorable one, for many reasons. Religious celebrations were held online rather than in churches, Easter eggs were hunted for inside the house rather than in the park, relatives sharing Easter dinner via webcam - many unique experiences to mark this occasion. 

I would like to offer heartfelt thanks to all the healthcare workers who continue tirelessly in this battle, and those who work in essential services to keep our cities running. I am grateful for my relatives and friends who have connected with me during this time (I was pleasantly surprised by a message from a friend that I haven't met in many years - thank you T!).

As it is a challenging time for many families who have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, whether physically, financially, or emotionally, let us keep them in our thoughts. On this day which symbolizes rebirth, may it bring renewed energy and strength to all. 

Wishing peace and hope for everyone around the world on this Easter day!

Hopeful Easter 2020Hopeful Easter 2020May this Easter bring peace and hope to all.

(Ecard created from a photograph in my portfolio.)


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