Winter Scenes Amidst a Pandemic

January 24, 2021  •  Leave a Comment

Despite the promising news of various vaccines being available against COVID-19, it will take time for sufficient supplies to be produced and distributed around the globe. The pandemic is still roaring in many cities around the world and new variants are causing additional concerns. 


Combined with the winter weather (in the northern atmosphere) and curfews or other stay-at-home lockdown orders, it's becoming more challenging to remain patient through this time. Having recently lost a family member to COVID, I can fully understand the pain that countless other families have experienced throughout this pandemic. I continue to hope that everyone will do their part to stay home as much as possible, wear masks and keep physical distancing, along with observing other recommended precautions. 


While taking a walk at a nearby park for exercise (and to clear my head), these snow-painted trees made for a perfect art image. I've always wanted to capture such a winter scene, but usually the snow would be blown off or melt by the time I got to it. I processed it to further create a painterly feeling. The thick trunk on the right acts to balance the four thinner trees on the left. 


Snow-Painted TreesSnow-Painted TreesTaking a walk after a fresh snowfall, this series of tree trunks painted by the snow caught my eyes. The effect was further enhanced to impart a painterly feel to the image.


At another part of the park, two trees created an arch framing this lady out for a walk. I added the zoom blur effect to make the photo more abstract, to depict the feelings that many of us may be experiencing now, trying our best to ride through this pandemic, aiming to keep our sanity despite the many restrictions and changes to our lives. 

Winter Isolation MoodWinter Isolation MoodDuring the stay-at-home orders in various cities across the world, many people are struggling with feelings of isolation, reflected in this image. Another way to view this is to use this time for self-reflection, while connecting with family and friends via phone or video calls and online meetings.


Although temperatures are cold, the wind chills to the bones, and winter days are gloomy, let's do our best to persevere through this challenge. Know that the sun will shine again, to warm the earth, and melt away the snow and frost. 

Sunny FrostSunny Frost


Let's stay strong and conquer this pandemic together!



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